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At Secure Mortgage Experts we respect the privacy of our clients and business partners, we are committed to keeping your personal information accurate, confidential, secure, and private.

We have adopted the following Privacy Policy to ensure that we continue to meet our commitment to your privacy securely.


The following sections, read as a whole, comprise our Privacy Policy:

Website Material


​The information presented by is for informational purposes only. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy due to changes in market or changes in personal client finances.

​ does not assume any responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


While providing our services, we may collect certain personal information about its clients with their consent. "Personal Information" means information about an identifiable individual. This may include, without limitation, the individual's name, home address, age, income, credit history or other financial information, credit card information, personal preferences, and other information about his or her family. Personal Information does not include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.


While providing services to customers we routinely share this information with others such as credit reporting agencies, financial institutions, and other suppliers who are directly involved in the process.


Our Privacy Policy is based on, and complies with, Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA"), which includes the Ten Privacy Principles outlined in the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Privacy. For more information about this legislation, please visit the official Web site of the Privacy Commission of Canada at

This Privacy Policy describes the ten principles that we follow to ensure that we protect your Personal Information when we collect, use, or disclose it in the course of carrying on commercial activities in Canada. All our employees who have access to Personal Information must adhere to our Privacy Policy and related procedures.


The Ten Principles of Privacy

The following ten principles govern our actions as they relate to the use of Personal Information:

Principle 1 - Accountability

An organization is responsible for personal information under its control. It must appoint someone to be accountable for its compliance with these fair information principles.

Principle 2 - Identifying Purposes

The purposes for which the personal information is being collected must be identified by the organization before or at the time of collection.

Principle 3 - Consent

The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate.

Principle 4 - Limiting Collection

The collection of personal information must be limited to that which is needed for the purposes identified by the organization. Information must be collected by fair and lawful means.

Principle 5 - Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

Unless the individual consents otherwise or it is required by law, personal information can only be used or disclosed for the purposes for which it was collected. Personal information must only be kept as long as required to serve those purposes.

Principle 6 - Accuracy

Personal information must be as accurate, complete, and up to date as possible in order to properly satisfy the purposes for which it is to be used.

Principle 7 - Safeguards

Personal information must be protected by appropriate security relative to the sensitivity of the information.

Principle 8 - Openness

An organization must make detailed information about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal information publicly and readily available.

Principle 9 - Individual Access

Upon request, an individual must be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of their personal information and be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

Principle 10 - Challenging Compliance

An individual shall be able to challenge an organization’s compliance with the above principles. Their challenge should be addressed to the person accountable for the organization’s compliance with PIPEDA, usually their Chief Privacy Officer.


The Kind of Information We Collect

We gather and use Personal Information in order to provide you with the products and services you have requested, namely: information that is required to effectively provide products and services. We may also use your Personal Information to update you about our services and to offer you additional products or services that you may be interested in, so that we may continue to serve your needs.

If you visit our Web site(s), we do not collect personally identifiable information about you unless you provide it. All information that you do provide us with is kept strictly confidential. This Privacy Policy does not apply to aggregated data from which it is not possible to determine the identity of a specific individual. We reserve the right to use aggregated data in any way that it determines appropriate.


How We Use Your Information

We use Personal Information for three general purposes:

1. To communicate with you to provide you with our products and services.
2. For inclusion in documentation relating to your financial transaction.
3. Transactional information to monitor our level of service and report back to you to ensure your satisfaction with the provision of such services.


We will only use Personal Information for the purpose that we have disclosed to you. If we want to use your information for a different purpose, we will notify you and ask for your consent first.


We are obliged to keep your Personal Information confidential except under the following circumstances:


When Authorized by You

Many of the services we offer require us to obtain Personal Information about you in order to perform the services you have engaged us to provide. We will always obtain consent from you first, and we will never use the information for purposes other than those we have told you about.

You may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to any legal implications (which we will inform you about). In some cases, if you do not consent to our use or disclosure of certain Personal Information, we may be unable to continue to provide all or part of the services you have requested.


When Required by Law

The type of information we are legally required to disclose usually relates to government tax reporting requirements. However, in some cases, such as under a court order, we may be required to disclose certain information to persons specified in the court order. We will only provide the specific information requested and only upon being satisfied that the authorities have legitimate grounds to request the information.


When Permitted by Law

The legislation has provided certain situations where we are legally permitted to disclose Personal Information without your consent. Examples include situations involving the collection of debt in arrears, medical emergencies, or suspicion of illegal activities.




Secure Mortgage Experts endeavors to maintain adequate safeguards to protect against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification of clients’ personal information in the care of the brokerage. Secure Mortgage Experts uses various methods to safeguard personal information, including physical security, computer and electronic security, destruction of information no longer needed, and contractual protections with third party data processors.


Accessing and Amending Your Information

As a client you have the right to access the Personal Information we keep in your file, and you have the right to verify or amend the information if it is shown to be inaccurate. If you would like to view the Personal Information held in your file, please make a written request to the Privacy Officer at the address listed below. We will respond to your request as efficiently as possible. To make a change, please make a similar request in writing to the Privacy Officer.


Opting Out

In order to provide you with our services and products, we will, with your consent, contact you to provide you with information on our products and services and may share your personal information with other affiliates. Should you not want to receive promotional materials from or have your Personal Information shared with these companies please contact the Privacy Officer at the address, phone number or email address provided at the end of this document.





Our website may contain links to other sites, which are not governed by this Privacy Policy. On our website, like most other commercial sites, we may monitor traffic patterns, site usage and related site information in order to optimize our web service. We may provide aggregated information to third parties, but these statistics do not include any identifiable personal information.


Communicating With Secure Mortgage Experts


We recognize that convenience and quick access to advice must be balanced with security needs. We use many different means to communicate with clients, some of which are more convenient, such as email. Our emails are sent with industry standard encryption and security. Such encryption, however, does not guarantee privacy and security as encrypted messages can nonetheless be subject to interception and translation. If clients do not wish us to communicate by email, they may speak with the broker or agent handling the matter about alternative arrangements or they may contact the Compliance/Privacy Officer in writing at:


Privacy and Compliance Officer
Secure Mortgage Experts | 15-7681 Highway 27 Woodbridge ON L4L 4M5
416.747.9356  |


Canada’s Anti-Spam Law

Apart from regular communication with respect to specific transactions, Secure Mortgage Experts and its staff wishes to maintain open communication with all our clients. The primary method for this communication is email, but may include text, sound, voice, or image message. Examples of this type of communication include, but are not limited to, informational newsletters, notifications about blog posts or website articles, information about market trends, etc. As some of these messages may encourage you to engage in a commercial activity, they may define as commercial electronic messages (CEMs) under Canada’s Anti Spam Law (CASL). As such, we will request your express consent to receive such communications. Secure Mortgage Experts is committed to respecting your rights under CASL; your consent may be withdrawn at any time.


Protection of Information

Secure Mortgage Experts will take reasonable steps to protect personal data supplied by clients. All original documentation will be kept in secure premises not accessible to the public. Once a file is complete, any un-required documentation will be returned to the client immediately or confidentially destroyed.


It should be noted that all client information is the property of Secure Mortgage Experts. Although brokers and agents may retain data for communication and/or marketing purposes, this is provided for only under the client’s authorization provided to Secure Mortgage Experts. While the relationship is between the client and the individual broker/agent, the client information is the responsibility and property of only the client, and the brokerage to whom the client provided the information/gave consent. Client information may not be retained, accessed, or used by any individual no longer authorized to deal or trade in mortgages on behalf of Secure Mortgage Experts unless separate consent was provided by the client to the individual him/herself.


Changes to Privacy Policy


Secure Mortgage Experts will, from time to time, review and revisit privacy practices and this Privacy Policy.

Privacy and Compliance Officer
Secure Mortgage Experts | 15-7681 Highway 27 Woodbridge ON L4L 4M5
416.747.9356  |

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